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SEOConspiracy News #17

  1. Cocon Sémantique is the number concept studied by content producers with SEO in mind
  2. “Rogue” employees stole data from merchants at Shopify
  3. Google is Broken Again
  4. Microsoft demonstrates how bad they are doing on Facebook…
  5. …Even if Bing wins some bids on mobile
  6. Cloudfare is coming out with a new approach to traffic analytics, respecting the user private data
  7. An easier way to understand how your content resonates with readers
  8. Google Merchant free listing will soon be available across the world
  9. A new sense of direction with Live View
  10. QUT algorithm that could quash twitter abuse of women
  11. John Mueller, community manager of Google, discloses the most powerful Negative SEO tactic, unknowingly of course.
  12. National association of broad broadcasters warns congress tech giant could kill local journalism
  13. Google to journalists: shut up and take the money
  14. Our one billion investment in partnerships with news publishers
  15. Senate committee votes to subpoena Facebook, Google and Twitter CEOs

Cocon Sémantique is the number concept studied by content producers with SEO in mind, a french website, conducted a study, comparing SEO and content marketing.

How do companies figure out the production of content in 2020, and guess what? My strategy, called in french the Cocon sémantique and English the Topical Mesh, is the number one term used by content producers by 78%. Second is vocal search; third is log analysis, fourth is crawl budget, and 13% is AEO, anything related to structured data.

I’m pretty proud of creating the number one SEO strategy in France, and any french people who understand french can search cocon sémantique on google or any other search engine for that matter.

I’m pretty excited about this; I always knew that created the best and most successful SEO strategy, but here’s the proof. Thank you,

“Rogue” employees stole data from merchants at Shopify reports that Shopify says, “Rogue employees stole data from merchants.”

There is always a few bad apples in any industry, any company; it’s a shame.

Always be careful of whatever system you’re using, Google on the free version, or even Shopify on the paid version.

You are not responsible for hosting the data, you’re not responsible for controlling what they host on that server, and even if we can go a little beyond that, well, anybody who has access to your server can obviously take a look, so this is just another example.

Google is Broken Again

It was September 26, 2020. It’s been going on for a couple of days before the next update on October 2, 2020. We had to wait this whole time to get some answers from Google. Yet again, another bug. We had many bugs in 2020. My explanation is, and this is only my opinion, no facts attached; there’s a new boss at Google, I reported it in the news. It’s a transition period; people move around, people leave, people come in, a lot of testing is going on. It’s an integration era of search ads & voice, google assistant; this is not the last; this is not the first. Hold on to your seat guys because Google will shakeup, and bugs will happen for sure.

Microsoft demonstrates how bad they are doing on Facebook…

On Reddit, Skinnyterminator posted: Microsoft has 14 million Facebook followers and only 60 likes.
Yes, in fact, very little engagement. On october 2nd, they posted something with 11 comments and 23 shares. That’s a very bad ratio so if you want to look at how not to conduct a successful social media strategy, how to fail at social media look at what Microsoft is doing on Facebook.

…Even if Bing wins some bids on mobile

On Microsoft Bing wins Google auction search slots on Android phones in key countries.
Bing won slots in 13 countries, and there is also the search engine which won many slots privacy, Gmx 16, Duckduckgo won only 8 places; Yandex also won 8 slots. That’s a spread that I don’t understand. That’s what it is, I guess, that’s how bids and lobbying go.

Cloudflare is coming out with a new approach to traffic analytics, respecting the user private data

Very surprising news on the Cloudflare blog. Free Privacy First analytics For a Better Web by John Levine.

This is the way to go, guys, whatever the technology is analyzing the browser footprint, putting some tracking entities.

I don’t know if I should say it’s hard to do it whatever you can play around, for example, e-tags or images and stuff like that, so even without cookies, you have many ways to collect data, and browser footprint is a big trend. We’ll see even they can’t trackback to your IP; they can’t localize you well. What about the mobile & how they track you anyway so one step forward towards more respect for your privacy online even if you can win the war, is it worth fighting for the battle? I think it is.

An easier way to understand how your content resonates with readers

Search console insight: An easier way to understand how your content resonates with readers.

A new feature in the search console that supposedly helps you build better content, I did not test it. I don’t know if it’s good or not but let me know.

Google Merchant free listing will soon be available across the world

Google Merchant free listings will soon be available across the world. That’s very cool, thank you, it’s been a feature that was limited to some countries, and now it will spread across Europe, Asia, and Latin America. We always love some free stuff from google. In exchange, we give our data, so it’s fair game.

A new sense of direction with Live View

On Google blog.

It is the future; it is the first step towards what I’ve been preaching for almost ten years. I remember my first keynote about google now it was maybe 2012; I don’t even know somewhere around there, and basically what it is, well google maps in augmented reality still it’s on a device like a smartphone. Yet, when we have a chip in our brain with an augmented reality screen in front of us with contact lenses, I don’t know how and something that enables us to stream 24/7. That’s the future guys.

QUT algorithm that could quash twitter abuse of women

QUT algorithm could quash Twitter abuse of women

I don’t know if I should report this news because it’s interesting, meaning machine learning can turn off misogyny on Twitter.
The problem with this type of experiment is that it looks good, it seems optimistic, and it’s supposed to help build a better web, a better internet. To get rid of whatever is negative; however, whenever I see this, I don’t know how much of this study is done for QUT for public and press relations or really because they mean it, I don’t know it’s cool, but what’s the end game here I don’t know I want to see more about what’s going on afterward the follow-up of this study.

John Mueller, community manager of Google, discloses the most powerful Negative SEO tactic, unknowingly of course.

“If links are the reason why a site is ranking higher then if you removed them the site will rank lower. Links aren’t the only reason sites rank obviously so i wouldn’t blindly focus on them.”
Well, John, thank you. He is answering a question from akbar7861 who asks: “we make backlinks to rank higher in search but we also lost backlinks is search engine drop rankings if any websites lost many backlinks?”
If you followed my SEMrush chat well this is the most powerful negative seo technique where you build a very strong link to a website then a few months later you remove that link. The page might never recover.

National association of broad broadcasters warns congress tech giant could kill local journalism


Yet another cry for help journalists it’s like an endangered species. Okay, they feel like the world needs to protect them because they are dead it’s dying and instead of looking at themselves in the mirror & figuring out why are they failing and finding a solution; they keep on thinking that they are superior beings and that they deserve to be recognized as such well the internet doesn’t care. The market doesn’t care, so if you’re losing, don’t cry.

As Gizmodo reported, Google to journalists: shut up and take the money.

Our one billion investment in partnerships with news publishers

The Keyword, the official google blog. Sundar Pichai, the CEO of Google and Alphabet, the mothership company of google: Our one billion investment in partnerships with news publishers. 

That’s for the USA; they are pouring money, they are giving some breadcrumbs to the journalists. 1 billion dollars in Google terms is pocket change. It’s a lot of money, don’t get me wrong. Google is trying to buy out the industry, journalism. How can you criticize a company which is helping you survive? Journalists are an endangered species but do they deserve to be saved? That’s the question.

Senate committee votes to subpoena Facebook, Google and Twitter CEOs


It is about section 230, the famous section 230 of the communications decency act of 1996.
We’ll see what comes out of this because it’s an important topic it’s in a parallel discussion to the big tech hearing, but the goal here is huge. What will come out of this discussion will change the face of the internet forever for sure.

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