1. Over 80K .eu domains owned by UK citizens were suspended because of Brexit
  2. Subtopics are now live
  3. The Tech Giant’s Playground
  4. Parler CEO  says service dropped by “every vendor” and could end his business”
  5. Google My Business: Find out how many people are connecting with you
  6. Google Tools: Lighthouse
  7. Rand Fishkin: Something is rotten in online advertising
  8. How to detect competitors’ price changes and send email alert
  9. TikTok debuts first augmented reality filter
  10. Twitter is buying the team behind a podcast app
  11. Facebook introducing the new pages experience
  12. Lack of sleep could be a problem for aI’s
  13. Google introduction to HTTP/2

Over 80K .eu domains owned by UK citizens were suspended because of Brexit.

I didn’t see that one coming, but I guess we should have.  

Over 80 000 .eu domains owned by UK citizens are suspended because of Brexit.

They left the EU; therefore, UK citizens can’t own or reserve .eu domains. It’s pretty crazy.

Subtopics are now live.

Danny Sullivan, ex-SEO and now Googler; he’s in charge of the Twitter search liaison account. He confirmed that subtopics are now live. I reported that if you watched the keynote by Prabhakar Raghavan in the news, you’ve heard about passage indexing, and you’ve heard about sub-topics. 

Thank you, Google, thank you, Danny, thank you, Prabhakar, to confirm that what I preach is the right way, and I’m not saying it; Google is saying it.

The Tech Giant’s Playground

Alvin Foo is sharing a pretty cool image of the big tech’s activity playground.

Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are huge on the public cloud. Apple and Facebook are not.  

Then on wearable devices, Google and Apple are good. Apple, Google connected home. Amazon Google Apple automobiles. Amazon Google Apple augmented virtual reality.  

Microsoft Google Apple Facebook gaming they’re all in it, some of them suck at it, but they’re all in it 

Basically, everybody is into aI, everybody is into gaming, and that’s about augmented virtual reality. Amazon has a yellow, not a red, so it’s like half in some investment.

Parler CEO says service dropped by “every vendor” and could end his business 


Parler is like Twitter but more right-wing oriented, I guess, in the US.

Parler is now in trouble; everybody dropped Parler. It’s not on Apple or the Google store. Amazon dropped it, too, and I think we opened an account on that, so I guess I might as well close it.

Google My Business: Find out how many people are connecting with you


Finally, we see a little bit of analytics. Thank you, Google. The big news is that you have a little bit of how many views searches activity the keywords, the total number of searches, the recent followers, etc. There’s just one new part of Google my business, but it’s analytics that is most definitely an excellent new part.

Google Tools: Lighthouse


Lighthouse is on Chrome, and it will tell you if your javascript libraries are outdated and if you need to upgrade them. 

Rand Fishkin: Something is rotten in online advertising

Rand Fishkin on Sparktoro. Sparktoro is a new project, so I hope it’s doing well, and I wish Rand the best for this new project. 

That piece Rand wrote is amazing. “Something is rotten in online advertising.” 

I’ve been saying it for long enough. I wish I were as famous as Rand Fishkin, so my voice would carry more weight.  

I won’t summarize you have to read it because it’s pretty long, but basically, everything is wrong with online advertising in every industry from the start. From how they figured out this way of calculating how much to pay to the websites is cheating to get more views.

I predict that some big moves will happen in the online advertising industry because of privacy issues and not only.

How to detect competitors’ price changes and send an email alert 


A cool little script shared by Moshe. He’s giving us all the code here if you want to regularly scrap and compare your competition prices. Very cool script, very useful thank you for sharing.

TikTok debut first augmented reality filter

On, TikTok debuts first augmented reality filter that uses an iPhone 12 pro leader camera. It’s pretty funky. I’ve used it with a how do you say I’ve used it on my iPad pro with this guy with her the doctor disrespect figure, which is interactive. It’s a gadget type of thing , but it’s a start; it’s augmented reality; it’s the future. TikTok is on it. Right on, TikTok.

Twitter is buying the team behind a podcast app to help build its audio spaces 


The team behind Breaker is joining Twitter, but the app will stay in business. Last week, I reported Amazon bought Wondery, which I thought was an excellent move and a very smart one. Now twitter buying this app I have never heard of this app so maybe it’s great.

Facebook introducing the new pages experience

On the official Facebook blog

Thank you, Facebook, because I’ve hated your interface forever, and I don’t dislike the new layout. I prefer it, so thank you very much for that , and hopefully, it will get me to get more often on Facebook because it’s part of the game.  

Facebook is part of marketing.

Lack of sleep could be a problem for aI’s


I guess it’s serious, but some artificial intelligence types start to hallucinate if they don’t get enough rest, just as humans do.  

I don’t even know how to comment on this news like it’s just mind-blowing to me that a computer, like an algorithm, gets tired, but I guess if scientists say so.

Amazing, I never thought I would read something like this one day.

Google introduction to HTTP/2

Thank you Google, finally.

On introduction to HTTP/2. Finally, Google announced that is crawling accepting properly HTTP/2  because this is the only secure this is the only way you have to do HTTP/2, period.

It just took way too long for Google to take into account this technology. I don’t understand why we had to wait until 2021 to get this because I won’t get into details but everything is better from an HTTP point of view.

That’s it for this week! Have a great week-end, see you next week.

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