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SEO Conspiracy News #4

The Dark Side Of Working At Google & How Spam Reports Work

Alternative Search News Week 27 2020

  1. YouTube is copying TikTok
  2. Google local business knowledge panel listing
  3. How spam reports are used at Google
  4. How to measure your content marketing success
  5. How Google Might Rank Image Search Results
  6. What Are Sitelinks? How to Influence Them?
  7. Three years of misery inside Google, the happiest company in Tech

YouTube is copying TikTok

On TechCrunch: YouTube’s latest experiment is a TikTok rival focused on 15-second videos

On mobile only, you will be able to shoot some 15-second videos. We’ll see. Not much more to say about this, but I don’t know. I don’t really feel it.

Google local business knowledge panel listing.

On SEroundtable: Google Local Panels Tests Images In Story View

Its not a new carousel type of images. Instead of showing the images one by one, you see them in kind of a GIF form – one by one.
I don’t know if you can regulate the speed at which the images are displayed.
I’m not sure about that one either. What do you think?

How spam reports are used at Google?

On Google Webmaster Blog.

How can I say? Thanks Gary Illyes for wasting three minutes of my time reading this and learning nothing.

In case you didn’t know what spam reports do, well, they don’t do much and honestly I didn’t need anybody from Google telling me this.

It’s really a lot of BS because I guess they don’t want you to stop filling in the spam report since they’re kind of using them for algorithmic purposes and figuring out trends and patterns in spammy content.

One thing for sure is that by filling out spam report, it’s not guaranteed that the spam report will go through.

If you believe in karma, don’t fill out spam reports hoping to take down your competitors. Do it the right way : overrank them.

Take them out with the SEO weapons.

But in terms of communication by Googlers, it’s worse and worse and worse. It’s horrible. I have to do a whole video about that because I am really getting fed up with the nonsense and the talk about nothing.

What does that mean four paragraphs of nothing, to teach us nothing?
Thank You Google.

How to measure your content marketing success

On SEMRush: How to Measure Your Content Marketing Success

The main problem is 65% of marketers can’t demonstrate the impact of their marketing campaign.

That’s a big problem. Furthermore you have many ways to measure: organic traffic, leads, session, pageviews, conversion rate, time on page, social shares, bounce rate, return on investment, backlinks, comments.

It’s a fact that agencies are very good at client satisfactions but do they really achieve the goals? Do they really deliver? That’s a different story.

Another problem is you can make the charts say whatever you want.

Client satisfaction is not the same thing than really achieving goals

The article says: “You gotta set your own benchmarks and the most difficult is definitely to measure the unmeasurable.

Also make a difference between whatever you’re doing to sell and whatever you’re doing to build a brand”

Two different ways of operating. Same goal, different KPI.

Sales versus marketing / branding. Not the same game.

How Google Might Rank Image Search Results

On SEObytheSea: How Google Might Rank Image Search Results

What’s happening here is basically Google is learning a lot and it might know better what is inside image so it would be able to obtain more information.

Especially when an image relates to another. The features are identified by the machine learning & all that good stuff from Google, and it’s supposedly giving an advantage to understand what’s going on in images.

This is also a work in progress. We can definitely tell that search engines and Google in particular are doing a much better job figuring out what’s inside an image but there’s still a lot of work to do in my opinion. But it’s pretty impressive.

On Ahrefs blog: What are site links? How to influence them?

That’s kind of basic, if you need a tutorial to know what’s going on and what are the different type of site links, how you can get rid of some in the search console, how you might influence the search engine to get better site links, well, this is it.

Honestly it’s all about the structure of the internal linking. What you control inside your website. I mean, what you show and what you don’t show.

Three years of misery inside Google the happiest company in Tech.

Sexual harassment. Hate speech. Employee walkouts. The Silicon Valley giant is trapped in a war against itself. And there’s no end in sight.

Amazing article by because from the outside Google might seem like a happy company but if you read through the article you understand a lot of not so nice things going on.

And the whole “Don’t Be Evil” thing they had at the beginning is way gone (also literally, read this article on Gizmodo: Google Removes ‘Don’t Be Evil’ Clause From Its Code of Conduct).

That’s a good read because lots of politics, lots of pressure, lots of battle between executives & workers.

It’s drawing a not so pretty picture of Google that many people put on a pedestal like it often happened in Silicon Valley.

Please let me know what you think about all this.

Thank you for your time,

Take care

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