SEO Conspiracy News #22

Facebook is next, after Google, to get sued by the FTC.

On FTC likely to sue Facebook on antitrust violations by end of November

After Google, Facebook is next. The interesting part here is they want to handle the case internally, which would take longer. Right now, it’s already 16 months, and I would like to see what’s going on. I don’t want it to be behind closed doors.

John Mueller gives a very strange and cryptic explanation to a question about images and video ranking in Google.

On How Google Chooses to Rank Images and Videos in Search Results?

Honestly, if you can rank images after what John Mueller says, you do better SEO than me. 

Here’s the answer: “so essentially what happens when someone types in a query on Google are we send that query to a lot of different indexes a lot of other search systems within Google.

And we try to send it out to as many of these systems as possible on the one hand so that we get answers from them.”  

Okay, I’ll give you a quick trick, the backlink of images is hotlink. The backlink for videos is embed. Clicked embeds, clicked hot links, those work to rank images and videos on Google, whatever John Mueller said. 

Gary Illyes from Google tells us about Canonical and Duplicate Content.

How Google Chooses Canonical Page

 Still, on, Roger Montti reported who listened for us because, well, it’s better if someone makes a summary of some of those webmaster hangouts and podcasts from the Googlers. So here, Gary Illyes shares details of signals and weightings used for identifying canonical page and duplicates. The very interesting part here is that they reduce the content into a check. Instead of reading and comparing all the words, they transform their content into a string of data, and they reach that string of data. That’s good and all, but it might very well be also because they deal with duplicate content. I can claim I was one of the ones who found all those flaws around duplicate content. It’s not a penalty; it’s a problem. There is a problem with duplicate content; whatever Gary says, whatever John says, whatever any Googler says, they don’t handle it well.

Dany Sullivan picks up on Twitter about a case about duplicate content…

On, PiunikaWeb reports that his website gets stolen, and Danny Sullivan, one of our own as SEOs who turned out as a Googler, looked it up and was like, “Okay, sure, I’ll pass it on.” 

It’s a strange example and it’s becoming a bigger and bigger problem.

When with my friends, we made a big operation in 2006 about taking down any website with duplicate content and negative SEO. In 2020 it’s still not fixed; it will never be fixed. The only way to prevent that is to build a robust website. PageRank is the protection here. You can’t take down a powerful domain but you can take down a weak page from a powerful domain.

A Google Patent gives a hint at the future of Search IRL.

On Automatic delivery of customer assistance at physical locations

As far as I know, a Google patent that was not reported by our friend Bill Slawski. Or maybe it was, and I didn’t see it. Automatic delivery of customer assistance at physical locations. That’s also something I talk about when Google will become 360°; it will be all around us in real life. With augmented reality screen, chip in the brain, and all that stuff. 

“The system determines whether a degree of likelihood that the user will complete the purchase in response to receiving the product information satisfies a likelihood threshold; if not, the system executes a remote assistance module accessed by the device to provide a virtual environment in which a human provides additional information that the user needs to complete the purchase.” 

Google is coming for you in real life, it’s coming out of the internet.

Is there a new Google update or just another bug?

On Google Updates and SERP Changes – November 2020

It started on November 1st, and it turned out that maybe Google analytics is having some issues. That’s what most of the people are reporting here. I didn’t notice anything myself, but I told you Google would be full of bugs for a while. They are acting fast, breaking things. There’s a new boss, a new cowboy in town, it will happen over and over again until they get it right. 

If you are like me, a little bit thrown out by the new Google icons, well Product Hunt shared how he can reverse back to the old icons.

Do you want the old Google icons back in your browser tabs?

If you are like me, a little bit thrown out by the new Google icons, well Product Hunt shared how he can reverse back to the old icons.

Search Engine Journal is looking for writers.

On Wanted: an SEO professional to write industry breaking news

Search Engine Journal is looking for SEO professionals to write industry breaking news. It pays 35£ an hour, it’s part-time permanent and you need to pride yourself on beating the competition and being first to publish breaking news.  

Barry Schwartz launched a Twitter poll about how SEO voted during the 2020 US Presidential Elections.

On Searchengineroundtable, Barry Schwartz is asking: Who SEOs Voted For In The US Presidential Elections

So it’s a Twitter poll okay, Twitter is more liberal than the other side, so it’s various to start with, but an overwhelming 74.7% answered Biden and Trump only got 25.3%

What are the good Youtube channel to watch?

On Reddit, thread asks what are the good Youtube channel to watch. SEO Conspiracy was mentioned đŸ™‚ Thank you guys for spreading the love.

Bing levels up the Search APIS

On Microsoft Bing Blog: Bing Search APIs are Transitioning

They are reducing the price and integrating a lot more functions in enabling more scenarios. Bing API is an excellent and solid API, you can do a lot of things with a Bing API that you can’t do with Google’s. Thank you Bing. 

Google release an open source Text to Text analysis algorithm called MT5.

On GitHub a Google research algorithm called mT5 multilingual T5 is supposedly the most powerful language training text-to-text transformer model. It covers 101 languages, and it can do beautiful things to analyze and check out the content.

So big big big up to Google, I haven’t tested it, I don’t know if I will test it, I need to find the time and a little project to use this, but it’s worth noting. 

On It’s my birthday today, here some presents

The dude gave a few backlinks spots like,,,,, etc. Well they work for sure but jump on it now because once it’s on the open, the definition of a spot means that you will get spammed and you need to be creative to look a little bit on the side around under above.

That’s all for this week! Thanks for your time!

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