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SEO Conspiracy News #12

  1. Options for retailers to control how their crawled product information appears on Google
  2. Key Lawmaker Vows to Loosen Big Tech’s ‘Deeply Disturbing’ Grip
  3. Facebook Business: Preparing Our Partners for iOS 14
  4. Do you blindly believe what John Mueller says on YouTube?
  5. What The Most Highly Linked-To Pages Tell Us About Successful Content
  6. TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer resigns after 100 days
  7. TikTok likely to announce sale of U.S. operation in $20 billion to $30 billion range
  8. Amazon Said Forging Ahead With Luxury Platform
  9. Twitter: an increase in an attempt by many accounts to copy, paste, and Tweet the same phrase
  10. Neuralink Progress Update, Summer 2020
  11. YouTube is killing itself by implementing bad ideas, how out of touch management can kill a company
  12. Apple showing signs it may soon launch a search engine to compete against Google Search

Options for retailers to control how their crawled product information appears on Google

First in the news on the official Google webmaster central blog: Options for retailers to control how their crawled product information appears on Google

Now you have more features more structured data you can use to help display a snippet, it will be more to your liking.

You got to go to the Google Merchant Center, and I remind you that it’s free, so please, go and enjoy it.

Key Lawmaker Vows to Loosen Big Tech’s ‘Deeply Disturbing’ Grip

On Key Lawmaker Vows to Loosen Big Tech’s ‘Deeply Disturbing’ Grip

There’s a report of a an interview by, the chairman of the big tech hearing, David Cicilline. He says that one of the big things is that they want to prevent tech companies from running a platform & competing on that platform simultaneously. 

That’s happening a lot especially on something like Amazon Market Place.

The four main areas where the report will suggest massive changes regarding existing anti-trust laws that are outdated. It was over a century ago. Then came the private antitrust litigation by plaintiff. Companies need to have more ways to do it and ensuring the antitrust watchdogs at the justice department and the federal trade commission, have the resources and are staffed. It does not smell good for the big four guys. We’ll see when the report comes out.

Facebook Business: Preparing Our Partners for iOS 14

On Facebook Business: Preparing Our Partners for iOS 14

The concerns are legitimate from the advertising point of view but they are also fair from the privacy point of view.

In my opinion, we’ll figure it out. We’ll adapt and Facebook has got some smart people working over there. So even if I believe that the old days of ultra-mega-micro targeting on Facebook will still be able to display some ads with Facebook, it will be more complicated.

Do you blindly believe what John Mueller says on YouTube?

I think that the Googlers are on tilt these days. John mueller is
asking: Do you blindly believe what John Mueller says on Youtube?

2792 people voted and 34.6 percent said No and 22.6% said yes and 24.7% answered sometimes. 18,1% said cheese.

Twitter polls… They’re just twitter polls. But here the thing is more the kind of polls by John Mueller himself. That kind of struck me as weird but that might just be me.

What The Most Highly Linked-To Pages Tell Us About Successful Content

On What The Most Highly Linked-To Pages Tell Us About Successful Content. A study of over 5,000 pieces of content.

The problem is, with this kind of study, you should always take it with a grain of salt. Correlation does not mean causality.

Furthermore the data is pulled from Buzzsumo and that data is

flawed to say the least but it’s always fun to take a look and what i’ve found fun in this study is that they found out that what they call the high rollers, the content that got picked up the most and share the most didn’t have that many words. It’s on average. It had less than 700 words. Also, otherwise as far as the emotional responses, we have confirmation that people express a lot more angry or sad type of emotions than love.

TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer resigns after 100 days

On TikTok CEO Kevin Mayer resigns after 100 days

He was not anticipating the blowback of the Anti TikTok buzz, especially when the POTUS started to bit on TikTok.

He said that he didn’t sign up for that and Vanessa Pappas replaces him. She is the real mofo, she is the one who made Youtube what it is today as far as growth.

I believe it was around 2010/2011 when she was responsible of growth at Youtube. She knows her stuff. She will be a great CEO even if right now, it’s just supposedly temporary. I hope she will become permanent

because I like what she does.

TikTok likely to announce sale of U.S. operation in $20 billion to $30 billion range

On TikTok likely to announce sale of U.S. operations in the coming days in $20 billion to $30 billion range

We will go more in details with this news when it will happen effectively but it seems like TikTok will sell all its shares of the market on US, Canadian, Australian and New-Zealand. It would be around the 20 to 30 billion dollar range.

Auroch, Oracle, Microsoft, Walmart & Softbank seem to be in the mix to buy that part of TikTok.

But we’ll report more than that when it happened.

Anyway, it seems like TikTok is saved so that’s the good news.

Amazon Said Forging Ahead With Luxury Platform

On Yahoo! Finance: Amazon Said Forging Ahead With Luxury Platform

Amazon was beaten down in front of Congress. I mean, Jeff Bezos was beaten down in front of Congress. But it’s not something stopping them from expanding and going head-on competing with marketplaces like Farfetch, because it’s going luxury

Twitter: an increase in an attempt by many accounts to copy, paste, and Tweet the same phrase

It’s nice to see that Twitter is fighting duplicate content.
You know that duplicate content is one of my specialties, as far as
Google, comes but I never really bothered to look at Twitter’s problem with duplicate content, which I’m sure is massive.

Mr. Elon musk. This time, it’s not Tesla news, it’s Neuralink news.
The chip in the brain is coming guys. I’ve always said it. For years and years and years. This is how we will end up, with a chip in the brain and we’ll have Google 360 degrees, we will be streaming 24/7 and we’ll have some augmented reality screen in front of our eyes
Well seems like it’s happening.

YouTube is killing itself by implementing bad ideas, how out of touch management can kill a company

I’ve seen an increase in mid raw ads and you might have noticed it too and you might have blamed the content creator.
Well, it’s Youtube itself placing more and more of those horrible interrupting experience type of ads that everybody hate and this guy reported on a 34 minute video there were eight mid-roll ads.
So you have to disable the ads video by video manually. Big pain in the ass and anyway, this channel SEOConspiracy is ad-free and will remain ad-free until I get 10 million subscribers.

Apple showing signs it may soon launch a search engine to compete against Google Search

On Coywolf.newss: Apple showing signs it may soon launch a search engine to compete against Google Search.

On Coywolf.newss: Apple showing signs it may soon launch a search engine to compete against Google Search.

Why apple might be launching a search engine competing straight up against google?

And I will go live to explain why I think this is not right. This is not true. Apple will not go head-to-head against Google. I think Apple is enhancing features like Spotlight & Siri, but not going flat out against Google in the search field. No way.

You’re at the end of the news for today! Thanks for your time & see you next week.

Stay safe.

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